Friday, September 28, 2007

Big Week!

This past week John and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary and Winston's 1st birthday. Now, we are in NC for my Defense, which is today. I'm feeling good about things, but feeling the jitters from all of the anticipation. I mean, I remember when I was a first-year seeing the more senior graduate students go through this and it felt so far away for me. Now it is hours away. Yikes! Well, everyone is here and John and I had dinner with Dad and Carol, and Brian and Heather. Happy Birthday to Brian....yesterday he turned 31! Also, many congratulations to the new Dr. Willow Gabriel!


Unknown said...

Congratulations Erin. I just know it went well. aj

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin! You did a beautiful job with your defense, and it was wonderful to see you again and meet your family! :-) Jenny

Anonymous said...

Yay Dr. Erin!! Congrats!! Wish I could've been there, but I'm sure you did just fine without me. har har.

Emily said...

Congratulations, Erin! Sorry I missed you guys this weekend. I heard the talk went well and I hope the party was even better!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dr. Erin Kate!!!! Brian said everything went great - I'm very happy for you!! Give my best to John!!