Friday, February 15, 2008

Dawg House

Here is just a goofy little thing some of you might get a kick out of. Today, Winston is at dog daycare. You read that correctly. Over the next few days, we are hosting Cooper (a very sweet Doberman-lab mix) while James and Somer are away. Every Friday, Cooper and his dog-sis Ripley go to the Dawg House Daycare service to burn some energy. So, to keep with Cooper's routine and help Winston burn some of his energy, we took both of them over there this morning. The website is, and if you click on Dawgie Cam on the bottom, you will likely see a blur of stocky, shaggy Winston. They will have fun playing with dogs all day, and hopefully come home tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just saw Winston! He was kind of blurry and whizzed by the screen. When I get home, I'll make sure Miles gets a peek at him.
love Minna