Sunday, September 13, 2009

Katherine's Paparazzi

Ever since Katherine came home from the hospital, she's been lucky enough to have many visits from her adoring extended family. I wanted to post some picture now that all of our parents and siblings have been able to come and spoil, I mean see, her. We are so lucky!!

Dad and Carol - Dad is known as "The Baby Whisperer" in this the second oldest of 7 kids, he's amazing with babies and kids!

Johnnie and Colon - Johnnie loved rocking Katherine...I think it brought back the days when she rocked John.

Vann - Vann would lull Katherine into a trance with his booming singing voice.

Mary-Mitchell - MM took Katherine and I out on our first adventure to the mall!!

Brian and Heather - Brian may have taken more pictures of Katherine than I did...he's clearly smitten.

Togi, the Alaskan Prince - Togi was Winston's favorite visitor.


Simbiegirl said...

Loved the pictures. Great picture of Togi!!

Ellen said...

I am getting a visit from your Dad and Carol this week. I will take lots of pictures, even though there won't be a cute baby in the picture!!
Maybe we can Ichat when they are here. Thursday, evening for us, afternoon for you. Think about it.